Sunday, May 23, 2004
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
I know it requires a lot of reading, but it is a damn shame that this flash animation from Take Back The Media! is not being broadcast nationally. Just facts, important questions and powerful images. At the very least, you can head over and give it a look. And, if you have a blog, which you most likely do, link to it as your blog is most likely read by more folks than mine.
I know it requires a lot of reading, but it is a damn shame that this flash animation from Take Back The Media! is not being broadcast nationally. Just facts, important questions and powerful images. At the very least, you can head over and give it a look. And, if you have a blog, which you most likely do, link to it as your blog is most likely read by more folks than mine.
Monday, May 03, 2004
If you haven't been by yet, check out David Brock's new watchdog site, Media Matters for America. In one article regarding the so-called mainstreaming of Limbaugh, there is a list of Limbaughisms that would not be believed if they had not come from that foul mouth. Stuff like this:
"22) OPEC announced a cancellation of its 10 percent cutback in production so -- and there's some little strife going on in Venezuela with that wacko, Cesar Chavez, down there. Hugo. Hugo, Cesar -- whatever. A Chavez is a Chavez. We've always had problems with them. So the bottom line is that I don't think supplies are going to be interrupted. [3/26/04] "
And this is fairly tame compared with a lot of the stuff listed...check it out.
If you haven't been by yet, check out David Brock's new watchdog site, Media Matters for America. In one article regarding the so-called mainstreaming of Limbaugh, there is a list of Limbaughisms that would not be believed if they had not come from that foul mouth. Stuff like this:
"22) OPEC announced a cancellation of its 10 percent cutback in production so -- and there's some little strife going on in Venezuela with that wacko, Cesar Chavez, down there. Hugo. Hugo, Cesar -- whatever. A Chavez is a Chavez. We've always had problems with them. So the bottom line is that I don't think supplies are going to be interrupted. [3/26/04] "
And this is fairly tame compared with a lot of the stuff listed...check it out.
Saturday, May 01, 2004
The wife is writing a paper today, so I figured I'd wander about my friends in the LC and see what they're saying today...
At corrente, Lambert covers Iraq while the farmer has a fascinating look into the IWW.
While Pen-Elayne continues with her move, her guest blogger Hanan relates the final meal aboard the Titanic.
Steve Gilliard has an excellent postg about the power of blogs.
NTodd sheds a little light on the so-called president's quest for fun.
Rivka at Respectful of Otters isn't buying any excuses for the recent horror show in Iraq.
Guy at Rook's Rant predicts some changes for the repugs in the near future...
The Fulcrum is getting a tan...
Trish Wilson has a series of excellent posts about "father's rights" including an expose of the sick practice of paying fathers to spend time with their kids...
Jude at Iddybud relates the struggle to bring the troops home...
Scout has a great post on mercenaries...
It's a Happy Loyalty Day at Collective Sigh
Jesse at Gotham City 13 takes issue with Rush "Limbarf"'s assertions regarding the emboldening on terrorists...
Speedkill excerpts Seymour Hersh's article for comment...
It looks like Mustang Bobby has finished moving and takes issue with people like Sinclair protecting us from what offends them...
Musing's Musings contrasts Kerry's speech with Cheney's attack and finds Kerry the better man...
Amy has an excellent post about Iraq based on a firsthand account...
Archy has found summations of the Iraq crisis in unlikely places...
Echidne joins the commentary regarding Sinclair's refusal to air Nightline...
Sooner Thought has David Corn's interview with Joe Wilson...
Wanda at Words on a Page has some interesting random thoughts on the so-called president...
Upyernoz has a break from his case and a few random thoughts as well...
Go read Kick the Leftist...Peter can't believe what he has read...neither will you.
It's a Happy May Day at The Invisible Library...
New World Blogger points us to the Country Quiz...
Over at bloggg, we get yet another reason(as if we needed one) to hate Limbaugh...
Chris has some short rants and a nice interview that you should read...
And finally, Make me a Commentator gives us a nice bit of Rush weirdness...
My wife's still writing her what am I going to do?
The wife is writing a paper today, so I figured I'd wander about my friends in the LC and see what they're saying today...
At corrente, Lambert covers Iraq while the farmer has a fascinating look into the IWW.
While Pen-Elayne continues with her move, her guest blogger Hanan relates the final meal aboard the Titanic.
Steve Gilliard has an excellent postg about the power of blogs.
NTodd sheds a little light on the so-called president's quest for fun.
Rivka at Respectful of Otters isn't buying any excuses for the recent horror show in Iraq.
Guy at Rook's Rant predicts some changes for the repugs in the near future...
The Fulcrum is getting a tan...
Trish Wilson has a series of excellent posts about "father's rights" including an expose of the sick practice of paying fathers to spend time with their kids...
Jude at Iddybud relates the struggle to bring the troops home...
Scout has a great post on mercenaries...
It's a Happy Loyalty Day at Collective Sigh
Jesse at Gotham City 13 takes issue with Rush "Limbarf"'s assertions regarding the emboldening on terrorists...
Speedkill excerpts Seymour Hersh's article for comment...
It looks like Mustang Bobby has finished moving and takes issue with people like Sinclair protecting us from what offends them...
Musing's Musings contrasts Kerry's speech with Cheney's attack and finds Kerry the better man...
Amy has an excellent post about Iraq based on a firsthand account...
Archy has found summations of the Iraq crisis in unlikely places...
Echidne joins the commentary regarding Sinclair's refusal to air Nightline...
Sooner Thought has David Corn's interview with Joe Wilson...
Wanda at Words on a Page has some interesting random thoughts on the so-called president...
Upyernoz has a break from his case and a few random thoughts as well...
Go read Kick the Leftist...Peter can't believe what he has read...neither will you.
It's a Happy May Day at The Invisible Library...
New World Blogger points us to the Country Quiz...
Over at bloggg, we get yet another reason(as if we needed one) to hate Limbaugh...
Chris has some short rants and a nice interview that you should read...
And finally, Make me a Commentator gives us a nice bit of Rush weirdness...
My wife's still writing her what am I going to do?
Via Tom Tommorrow:
Ever want to take a shot at the big time and see if you can play the tease for a mjor investigatory commission? Well go on over and check out Model 51, better known as Unka Dick's Pal. You'll want one for your very own.
Via Tom Tommorrow:
Ever want to take a shot at the big time and see if you can play the tease for a mjor investigatory commission? Well go on over and check out Model 51, better known as Unka Dick's Pal. You'll want one for your very own.
Bush reveals little of 9/11 testimony given, distracts press corps with robot dance
Via American Idle :
(AP) - President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney spent more than three hours behind closed doors Thursday with the Sept. 11 commission charged with finding ways to prevent a repeat of the worst terrorist attack in American history. 'I answered every question they asked,' Bush said. Bush declined to disclose details of the Oval Office discussion, instead, the president mesmerized the press corps by performing the 1980s dance commonly referred to as 'The Robot,' slowly shuffling his way back into the White House before anyone realized what was happening.
# -- Posted 4/29/04; 4:20:26 PM "
Via American Idle :

(AP) - President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney spent more than three hours behind closed doors Thursday with the Sept. 11 commission charged with finding ways to prevent a repeat of the worst terrorist attack in American history. 'I answered every question they asked,' Bush said. Bush declined to disclose details of the Oval Office discussion, instead, the president mesmerized the press corps by performing the 1980s dance commonly referred to as 'The Robot,' slowly shuffling his way back into the White House before anyone realized what was happening.
# -- Posted 4/29/04; 4:20:26 PM "